OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Public Interest Disclosure

Assistance and Suppport

Your wellbeing is our number one priority.  If you need welfare support you can contact the  Employee Welbeing and Support Service  please call 1300 687 327. This is a free counselling service and can offer access to other support services. 

If you have questions about Public Interest Disclosures (PID) or require assistance to complete this form, please contact one of the department’s PID Coordinators  Public Interest Disclosure ( or by email at

For further information please see the following link:  Public Interest Disclosures - Frequently Asked Questions

Collections Notice

The Integrity and Corruption Investigations (ICI) team within the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) is collecting information from you in order to investigate and respond to your complaint. ICI will assess the information you provide in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (the PID Act) and we may notify the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission of suspected corrupt or improper conduct.

You can choose to remain anonymous. Note that if you wish to make a complaint anonymously, it may not be possible for DJCS to adequately investigate your matter, reach out to you for further details or contact you with the outcome of the enquiry.

ICI may share your complaint information with other areas of DJCS where required in order to appropriately investigate the matters raised in your complaint, including but not limited to the Employee Investigations team (for employee misconduct) and the Child Safety Officer (for matters involving reportable conduct), or with other areas of government if required to by law.

Any personal information collected by ICI will be handled in accordance with the requirements in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the Health Records Act 2001, and the Public Records Act 1973. You can gain access to the information we hold about you by making a Freedom of Information request (visit

If you have a query, please contact ICI at

Protecting your confidentiality

Confidentiality is an important part of the protections offered under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (the PID Act) to disclosers and people involved in PID investigations. All disclosures will be handled with strict confidentiality including restrictions on who has access to this information. This ensures that disclosers know their complaint is being handled confidentially, it protects evidence, and ensures that the process is fair for everyone involved.

It is an offence for:

  • a person or entity receiving, assessing, or investigating a PID to disclose information related to a disclosure

  • a person or entity to disclose information that would likely lead to the identification of person who has made a PID.

Part of our role is to ensure your confidentiality and that you have all the support you need. We recommend that you do not tell people you are making a public interest disclosure, as this may compromise your confidentiality and impact the investigation. However, you can talk with your partner, legal representative, or health professional. Information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality under the requirements of the PID Act .

Choosing to remain anonymous will not impact how your concerns are addressed. You can remain anonymous. When making a public interest disclosure, you are afforded certain protections under the Public Interest Disclosure Act which still apply even if you remain anonymous. These protections will be discussed with you. If you are unsure, we will contact you to discuss your concerns so that you can make an informed decision.
After completing this notification, we would like to contact you to ensure that we have sufficient information to assess your concerns and to provide you with welfare support and further information about public interest disclosures. We will maintain your confidentiality. If you are unsure, we will contact you to discuss your concerns so that you can make an informed decision.
If Yes, please detail your concerns so that we can assist you. If it is an emergency or you require police assistance, contact 000. If you are unsure, we will contact you to discuss your concerns so that we can support you appropriately.
Detrimental action includes taking, threatening, inciting, or permitting others to take action against a person for them having made (or intending to make) a public interest disclosure or cooperated (or intending to cooperate) with an investigation of a public interest disclosure. If you are unsure, we will contact you to discuss your concerns so that we can support you appropriately.

Note: If you provide an email address,  you can save this form and return to it later to complete. We will email you a link to the form.

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Section 1

Your details

Please note that for us to be able to assess your complaint you must complete sections 1 to 3 with your contact information (unless you have chosen to remain anoymous) and a summary of the conduct and parties involved.

Your contact information

Note that any details you provide with be treated with strict confidentiality. However, you can choose to remain anonymous and how you would like the PID Coordinator to contact you.

Only complete if you do not wish to remain anonymous.
Only complete if you do not wish to remain anonymous.
Your DJCS business unit, or your employer if you are not a DJCS employee.
Providing your contact number allows us to contact you. You can still provide a contact number even if you wish to remain anonymous. We will always maintain your confidentiality.
Providing an email allows us to contact you and enables you to save the form and complete it at a later time. We will always maintain your confidentiality.
This is how we will contact you.
To ensure confidentiality, the PID Coordinator may send correspondence to your home address.
Eg private prison operator, supplier.

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Section 2

Please provide what details you can about the person(s), business unit or other entity that your complaint relates to and details relating to where and when the alleged conduct occurred. If there is more than one person/ location, please include below.  To add a person, simply click the "Add person" button below.  You can add multiple people if required. 

Whom is your complaint about?

If unknown, note that it is "unknown".
Where does the subject work? If unknown, note that it is "unknown".
i.e. contractor

Where and when did the conduct occur?

What date did conduct first occur?
When did the conduct finish?

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Section 3

Summary of Conduct

Please provide a detailed description of what has occurred. Providing as much detail as possible will enable the PID Coordinator to thoroughly assess your complaint to determine what action may need to be taken to address your concerns.

Please describe what happened in as much detail as possible:

  • What happened?

  • Who was involved (and how)?

  • What was said/done (by who)?

  • What are your specific concerns about the conduct?

Have you previously reported your concerns to anyone in DJCS?
i.e. your manager, the police, HR etc.
What is the date that you first reported the matter? This can be approximate.

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You can choose to provide us with further detail in this section if you feel comfortable doing so. It is not compulsory to complete the following sections. You can always discuss your complaint and provide further information to a PID Coordinator later.

Section 4

Other victims

Has anyone else experienced the alleged conduct?

Please provide details of others (excluding yourself) who may have been a victim of the alleged conduct. Please do not approach or speak to them about this issue. Do not advise anyone that you have or are making a complaint.  This is to ensure that evidence is not lost by persons becoming aware of the investigation and to protect your confidentiality and to provide a fair process for everyone involved.

To your knowledge, other than you, have any other employees been subject to the conduct? Please provide details below.
i.e. Prison Officer.
Where do they currently work?
If known.
If known.

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Section 5

Witness details

Please provide details of others who may have witnessed the conduct. Please do not approach or speak to them about this issue.  This is to ensure that evidence is not lost by persons becoming aware of the investigation and to protect your confidentiality and to provide a fair process for everyone involved.

To your knowledge, are there witnesses to the conduct? Please provide details below.
Where do they work currently?

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Section 6

Supporting Evidence

Please provide any evidence you have access to that may support the complaint. If you do not have access to the evidence, then detail this below. Do not attempt to obtain evidence without first speaking with a PID Coordinator.  This is to ensure that evidence is not lost by persons becoming aware of the investigation and to protect your confidentiality and to provide a fair process for everyone involved.

Evidence may include

  • reports, emails, letters, written complaints, briefs/memos, file notes of meetings, diary notes

  • video footage, phone records, employment contract, physical evidence, photographs

  • incident reports, intelligence reports, restraint reviews, any other relevant documents, audits, financial report.

To your knowledge, is there evidence available that can support the notification? Please detail below:
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Body Worn Cameras, mobile phone or other recording?
Who should we contact to obtain any footage? Include their contact phone and email (if known).
What is the evidence?
Do not attempt to access or obtain any evidence prior to speaking with a PID Coordinator.
Who has it / governs access to the evidence? Please provide names and contact details if known. Do not attempt to obtain the evidence.
Upload copies of anything, including video footage, that you believe may be evidence or may assist us to investigate your concerns